Russel has created interactive media experiences in Macromedia Flash. Projects have ranged from stand- alone promotional pieces, web delivered trailer clips, and website intro movies, to full site development, animated sites architecture and re-adaptation of existing material into a full interactive environment
Advertising Design, Retouching, Digital Photo Composting and Illustration
Provided conceptual designs and finished artworks for advertising agencies
Publishing Illustrator
Executed book covers and multi-page illustrations for traditional and self-published authors and collaborated with various publishing companies for children’s book projects
Sales and Marketing Specialist
Educate authors, inventors and painters about different strategies to market their works online and offline
Assist clients in the fulfilment process of their online advertisement campaign and accommodate their requests.
Secondary: Macromedia Dreamweaver, Adobe AfterEffects, HTML Editor, Adobe Acrobat, Macromedia Director
Being a book illustrator has a lot in common with being a journalist. You both may have wildly imaginative, "signature" styles. However, your success depends on producing work only on the subjects your editors want, when they want it. Guess what? You're on assignment. Do You Have The Appropriate Talent?
I'm not asking if you can draw or paint. I'm asking if your artwork is suitable for children.
There's a reason why children's books require illustrations. Although children have incredible imaginations, most haven't seen what a submarine or a Cheshire cat looks like. Yet.
As a child book illustrator, you and the author should work to show a story that will stir pictures in a child's mind. Members of your audience are discovering the joy of reading, or are building their skills. They would be overwhelmed (and possibly discouraged from reading) if the author had to show every detail in words alone. But from the first glance, you can truly add a thousand words of little details with each picture.
Benefits of Child Book Writing
Yes. You can make money and earn a living through child book writing. Beyond the money you can help:
* Bring happiness to a child
* Shape a child's fertile mind
* Promote literacy
* Provide a child with healthy creative escape from reality
* Inspire creativity & imagination
* Entertain
* Develop listening skills
* Develop understanding of the realities of the world like death, pregnancy, values etc.